1,436 research outputs found

    Losses of thiamine, ascorbic acid and lysine in thermally sterilised foods

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    The major objective of this investigation is the comparative nutritional evaluation of thermosterile foods in pouches and in cans during sterilization treatment and during storage. To achieve this objective, four products (whole brussels sprouts, whole new potatoes, pork casserole and rice pudding) were developed and produced in pouches and in cans. All variables were maintained constant in the production of these food products and equivalent heat sterilization treatments were applied. Available lysine, ascorbic acid and thiamine (vitamins C and B1) were selected as the nutrients for this investigation. Those nutrients were determined immediately before and after the sterilization treatment and at several intervals during storage. Pouched processing improved the retention of ascorbic acid and thiamine in relation to canning, Storage conditions produced mainly the same effects in ascorbic acid and thiamine retention independ ently of type of package for pork casserole, but larger losses were obtained for the canned products for brussels sprouts and new potatoes. Available lysine losses due to the sterilization treatment are small (= 15%). Difficulties with the sterilization process control and the poor sensitivity of the analytical technique employed seriously question the significance of the comparison between the canned and pouched products. For all samples the use of longer processing times to obtain higher sterilization treatments produced larger destruction of nutrients. Also the use of lower storage temperatures increased the nutrient retention. Large losses of ascorbic acid were obtained in pouched brussels sprouts during storage at three storage temperatures (5°C, 20°C and 37°C), and the ascorbic acid losses were greatly increased at 37°C storage conditions. A series of experiments were conducted to investigate these results. Peroxidase activity was found to be responsible for these losses. It was found to be present in the pouched samples but not in the canned products. It was determined that processing times of over 20 minutes at 121.1°C and 116°C were required to inactivate the enzyme. The results suggest that the improved heat penetration of pouches which permit the achievement of a microbiologically safe sterilization treatment in short times can also be insufficient for the inactivation of heat resistant peroxidases

    User's web page aesthetics opinion: a matter of low-level image descriptors based on MPEG-7

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    Analyzing a user's first impression of a Web site is essential for interface designers, as it is tightly related to their overall opinion of a site. In fact, this early evaluation affects user navigation behavior. Perceived usability and user interest (e.g., revisiting and recommending the site) are parameters influenced by first opinions. Thus, predicting the latter when creating a Web site is vital to ensure users’ acceptance. In this regard, Web aesthetics is one of the most influential factors in this early perception. We propose the use of low-level image parameters for modeling Web aesthetics in an objective manner, which is an innovative research field. Our model, obtained by applying a stepwise multiple regression algorithm, infers a user's first impression by analyzing three different visual characteristics of Web site screenshots—texture, luminance, and color—which are directly derived from MPEG-7 descriptors. The results obtained over three wide Web site datasets (composed by 415, 42, and 6 Web sites, respectively) reveal a high correlation between low-level parameters and the users’ evaluation, thus allowing a more precise and objective prediction of users’ opinion than previous models that are based on other image characteristics with fewer predictors. Therefore, our model is meant to support a rapid assessment of Web sites in early stages of the design process to maximize the likelihood of the users’ final approval

    Analysis of the best information technology management practices in the automotive land traffic sector and its application in the Bucaramanga (DTB) -Colombia transit department

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las mejores prácticas de gestión de tecnología de información en el sector del tránsito terrestre automotor a nivel local e internacional, a fin de proponer factores exitosos para su aplicación en la Dirección de Tránsito de Bucaramanga, a través de alternativas estratégicas de tecnología de información, que le permitan mejorar la calidad de sus servicios. Para tal efecto se definieron como factores claves de estudio, para analizar el estado de las tecnologías de información en los diferentes organismos de tránsito, los siguientes: Gerencia estratégica de tecnología de información, Estrategias de tecnología de información, Sistemas de información, Infraestructura, Herramientas computacionales y Negocios electrónicos; la información fue recopilada a través de fuentes secundarias disponibles en Internet e información primaria diseñada en encuestas, que fueron aplicadas a nivel internacional y nacional. Vale la pena aclarar que a nivel internacional no fue posible obtener el dato de la población de organismos de tránsito; a nivel local se tomó como población para el cálculo de la muestra, la totalidad de organismos de tránsito de clase A. Una vez obtenidos los datos, se procedió a su análisis en la herramienta estadística Statgraphic 4.0. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir en términos generales que los organismos de tránsito, no realizan una planeación estratégica de tecnología de información que se encuentre alineada con la planeación estratégica corporativa. Una conclusión a la que llega el investigador es que los organismos de tránsito si quieren ser competitivos deben buscar un mejoramiento continuo en la prestación de sus servicios a la comunidad y para lograr este propósito deben formular estrategias orientadas a la descentralización de los servicios y a la ejecución de proyectos que permitan un mayor y mejor flujo de las comunicaciones tanto a nivel interno como a nivel externo.Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESMRESUMEN INTRODUCCION 1. MARCO TEORICO 16 1.1. LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO Y LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE 16 INFORMACIÓN 1.2. PENSAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO, COMPETITIVIDAD Y 23 PLANEACION ESTRATEGICA DE TECNOLOGÍA 1.3. GESTION DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACION 54 1.4. BENCHMARKING ESTRATEGICO 64 2 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL SECTOR DEL TRÁNSITO TERRESTRE 70 AUTOMOTOR 3. ANALISIS DE LAS MEJORAS PRÁCTICAS EN GESTION DE 80 TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACION DE LOS ORGANISMOS DE TRÁNSITO TERRESTRE AUTOMOTOR 3.1. ANÁLISIS DE LOS FACTORES CLAVES DEL MODELO 90 4. DIAGNOSTICO DE LA SITUACION ACTUAL DEL USO ESTRATEGICO DE LA TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACION EN LA DIRECCION DE TRÁNSITO DE BUCARAMANGA 117 4.1. ANALISIS DE LA CADENA DE VALOR 118 4.2. ANALISIS DOFA 152 4.3. ANALISIS DE ENCUESTAS A LA DIRECCION DE TRÁNSITO DE BUCARAMANGA 160 5. PROPUESTA DE OPTIMIZACION GESTION DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACION PARA LA DIRECCION DE TRÁNSITO DE BUCARAMANGA 5.1. PROPUESTA DE CADENA DE VALOR OPTIMIZADA CON TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACIÓN 5.2. FACTORES DE ANALISIS MEJORADOS CON TECNOLOGÍA DE INFORMACION PARA LA DIRECCION DE TRÁNSITO DE BUCARAMANGA. 183 183 186 5.3. BRECHA TECNOLOGICA DTB VS MEJORES PRACTICAS 209 6. CONCLUSIONES 219 BIBLIOGRAFIA 224MaestríaThe objective of this work, is to determine the best practices o management of technology of information in the sector of the automotive terrestrial transit at local and international level, in order to propose successful factors for its application in the Direction of Transit of Bucaramanga, through strategic alternatives of information technology, that they allow it to improve the quality of its services. For such effect they were defined as key factors of study, to analyze the state of the technologies of information in the different organisms from transit, the following ones: Strategic management of information technology, strategies of information technology, processing tools for information systems, Infrastructure, information tools, and electronic businesses. the information was compiled through secondary sources available in Internet, and designed primary information in surveys, that were applied to international and national level; it is worth the trouble to clarify that at international level it was not possible to collect the data of the population of transit organisms; at local level it was taken as population for the calculation from the sample, the totality of organisms of transit of class A. Once collected the data, it was come to his analysis in the statistical tool Statgraphic 4.0. Within the obtained results, it is possible to be concluded in general terms, that the organisms do not make a strategic planning of information technology that is aligned with the corporative strategic planning. The investigator arrives to the conclusion that if transit organisms wants to be competitive they must look for a continuous improvement in the benefit of its services the community, and to obtain this intention they must formulate strategies oriented to the decentralization of the services, and the execution of projects that as much allow a greater and better flow of the communications to internal level as at external level.Modalidad Presencia

    Visual Targeted Advertisement System Based on User Profiling and Content Consumption for Mobile Broadcasting Television

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    Content personalisation is one of the main aims of the mobile media delivery business models, as a new way to improve the user’s experience. In broadcasting networks, the content is sent “one to many”, so a complete personalisation where the user may select any content is not possible. But using the mobile bidirectional return channel (e.g. UMTS connection) visual targeted advertising can be performed in a simple way: by off-line storing the advertisement for selectively replacing the normal broadcasted advertisement. In fact, these concepts provide powerful methods to increase the value of the service, mainly in mobile environments. In this article we present a novel intelligent content personalisation system for targeted advertising over mobile broadcasting networks and terminals, based on user profiling and clustering, as a new solution where the use of content personalisation represents the competitive advantage over traditional advertising

    Variación latitudinal del ciclo reproductivo de dos bivalvos con orígenes biogeográficos contrastantes a lo largo del ecosistema de afloramiento de la Corriente de Humboldt

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    Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) and Mesodesma donacium (Lamarck, 1818) are bivalves that inhabit the Humboldt Current Upwelling Ecosystem. They have contrasting biogeographical origins, suggesting that their responses to exogenous factors should differ. Using circular statistics, we examine synchrony/asynchrony in the reproductive cycle between populations of each species. The results indicate that there is reproductive asynchrony in both species along their distributional range. However, there was synchrony for A. purpuratus in several location-pairs, including Paita-Chimbote, Chimbote-Callao, Callao-Pisco and Pisco-Antofagasta. For M. donacium, there were only two synchronic groups: Camaná-Capellanía-Mehuín and Hornitos-Peñuelas-Longotoma-La Ligua-Cucao-Quilanlar. A. purpuratus showed gametogenenic activity throughout the year. In contrast, M. donacium showed strong seasonality, with gametogenesis in winter and spawning in spring/summer. In conclusion, the patterns observed for these sympatric species suggest that on a large scale the reproductive cycles follow the expected patterns for the contrasting biogeographic origin of each species, so it could be argued that they are modulated by endogenous factors. However, at a local scale, the reproductive cycles of these species show variation, likely determined by local oceanographic or hydrographic processes.Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) y Mesodesma donacium (Lamarck, 1818) son moluscos bivalvos endémicos del sistema de afloramiento de la Corriente de Humboldt pero tienen orígenes biogeográficos opuestos. Por tanto, se esperaría que los factores exógenos afectaran sus ritmos biológicos diferencialmente, entre ellos sus ciclos reproductivos. Mediante análisis de distribución circular se evaluó el sincronismo/asincronismo en ciclos reproductivos entre poblaciones de cada especie. Los resultados indican que existe asincronía reproductiva en ambas especies a lo largo de su distribución. Sin embargo para A. purpuratus se encontró varios pares de localidades sincrónicas: Paita-Chimbote; Chimbote-Callao; Callao-Pisco y Pisco-Antofagasta, y para M. donacium se dieron dos grupos sincrónicos, el primero entre las poblaciones de Camaná, Capellanía y Mehuín; y el segundo grupo entre Hornitos, Peñuelas, Longotoma, La Ligua, Cucao y Quilanlar. A. purpuratus presentó actividad gametogénica continua. En contraste, M. donacium presentó una marcada estacionalidad, con gametogénesis durante invierno y desoves durante primavera y/o verano. En conclusión, los patrones observados para ambas especies simpátricas sugieren que, a gran escala el ciclo reproductivo sigue los patrones esperados para el origen biogeográfico contrastante de cada especie, por lo tanto se podría argumentar que es modulada por factores endógenos. Sin embargo, a escala local el ciclo reproductivo de ambas especies muestra variaciones, aparentemente influenciados por los factores oceanográficos o hidrográficos locales

    Hacer el estado: carreteras, conflicto y órdenes locales en los territorios de las FARC

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    En agosto de 2017, como parte de los acuerdos de paz con el gobierno colombiano, las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) hicieron entrega de una extensa lista de bienes destinados a reparar a las víctimas del conflicto armado. Entre estos se incluyeron cerca de 3.700 kilómetros de carreteras, la mayoría localizadas en zonas de influencia de esta guerrilla. En este artículo indagamos el tipo de actores, colaboraciones, relaciones de poder y tecnologías que hicieron posible la construcción de carreteras en Puerto Guzmán, un municipio amazónico con presencia prolongada de las FARC. En este sentido, argumentamos que la construcción y transformación en el tiempo de estas infraestructuras permiten entender al estado como una coproducción que involucra dinámicas y actores distintos, algunos antagónicos al orden estatal.In August of 2017, as part of the Peace Accords with the Colombian government, the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) presented an extensive list of assets to be destined toward the victims of the armed conflict. It included approximately 3,700 kilometers of roads, most of them located in areas of influence of this guerrilla group. In this article, we investigate the type of actors, collaborations, power relations and technologies that made the construction of roads possible in Puerto Guzmán, an Amazonian municipality with a prolonged FARC presence. We argue that the construction and transformation of these infrastructures over time enables us to understand the state as a co-production involving different dynamics and actors, including some antagonistic to the state order.Em agosto de 2017, como parte dos acordos de paz com o governo colombiano, as Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia (FARC), houve a entrega de uma extensa lista de bens destinados a reparar as vítimas do conflito armado. Entre esses bens, foram incluídos aproximadamente 3.700 quilômetros de estrada, a maioria localizada em áreas de influência dessa guerrilha. Neste artigo, questionamos o tipo de atores, colaborações, relações de poder e tecnologias que tornaram possível a construção de rodovias em Puerto Guzmán, um município amazônico com presença prolongada das FARC. Nesse sentido, argumentamos que a construção e a transformação no tempo dessas infraestruturas permitem entender o estado como uma coprodução que envolve dinâmicas e atores diferentes, alguns antagônicos à ordem estatal

    Membrane fouling in whey processing and subsequent cleaning with ultrasounds for a more sustainable process

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    [EN] Cost reduction and minimization of environmental impacts, based on by-product recovery, is the objective of applying the ultrafiltration technology for the treatment of cheese whey. In this work, ultrafiltration process was studied in an integrated way (filtration and membrane cleaning), focusing especially on the membrane cleaning. Membrane cleaning experiments were carried out with and without ultrasounds to evaluate the effect of ultrasounds on the membrane cleaning efficiency and, as a result, to reduce the consumption of chemicals. Tests were performed with two ultrafiltration polymeric membranes with molecular weight cut-offs of 30,000 Da (UH030) and 5000 Da (UP005). Fouling experiments were carried out with Renylat whey protein concentrate solutions and CaCl2 addition at a transmembrane pressure of 2 bar and cross flow velocity of 2 m/s during 2 h. Results showed that the presence of calcium increased the membrane fouling of both membranes. For UH030 membrane the reversible fouling prevailed over the irreversible fouling, meanwhile for UP005 membrane the irreversible fouling was the predominant one. Cleaning efficiency results demonstrated that ultrasounds application is an effective technique to clean ultrafiltration membranes after being fouled with whey protein concentrate solutions and may have a paramount importance on the overall process efficiency.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTM 2010-20.186).Luján Facundo, MJ.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Cuartas Uribe, BE.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2017). Membrane fouling in whey processing and subsequent cleaning with ultrasounds for a more sustainable process. Journal of Cleaner Production. 143:804-813. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.043S80481314

    Study of membrane cleaning with and without ultrasounds application after fouling with three model dairy solutions

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of two ultrafiltration (UF) membranes after their fouling with different fouling solutions and cleaning with a surfactant, including the application of ultrasounds (US). Thus,two UF membranes (UH030 and UP005) were fouled with three different whey model solutions that consisted of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with a concentration of 1% (w/w), BSA (1%, w/w) plus CaCl2 with a concentration of 0.17% (w/w) and whey solution (Renylat 45) with a concentration of 2.22% (w/w). Chemical cleaning was carried out with P3 Ultrasil 115 solution at temperatures between 25 ◦C and 45 ◦C and concentrations in the range between 0.5% (v/v) and 0.9% (v/v). US were applied in some ofthe tests at a frequency of 20 kHz and nominal power of 300W. The results demonstrated that US cleaning was effective to enhance the permeability recovery, although this enhancement was only up to 9%. Concerning fouling, results from resistances calculations showed that for UH030 membrane prevails the reversible fouling whereas for UP005 membrane predominate irreversible foulingThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTM 2010-20.186).Luján Facundo, MJ.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Cuartas Uribe, BE.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2016). Study of membrane cleaning with and without ultrasounds application after fouling with three model dairy solutions. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 100:36-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2016.06.011S364610

    La Denominación de Origen del Salame de Colonia Caroya como herramienta de valorización y promoción del desarrollo local. Proyecto

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    Trabajo final de graduación para optar al título de Master in Leadership and Sustainable Development // Maestría en Dirección del Desarrollo y Liderazgo, presentado en ISEAD Bussiness School – CentroVillanueva - Universidad Complutense de Madrid - España // Commission for Independent Education, Estado de Florida – EE.UU. en 2015El proyecto busca incrementar el proceso de innovación técnica de las características productivas mediante la introducción de la mecanización, utilización de cámaras de frio, protocolos de producción, protocolos de calidad e inocuidad y una producción permanente preservando propiedades que reposan sobre saberes distribuidos entre numerosos actores, incluyendo los productores de materias primas, los transformadores, los autores de reglamentaciones, los consumidores y conocedores. Asimismo apoyar al reconocimiento del territorio como un espacio geográfico delimitado, donde una comunidad humana ha construido en el curso de la historia un saber intelectual colectivo de producción y fundado sobre un sistema de interacciones entre un medio físico y biológico con un conjunto de factores humanos. Por último, identificar las actividades que potencializarían el ámbito turístico de la Colonia Caroya, por medio de actividades colectivas de tipificación de infraestructura, servicios y productos enfocada hacia el reconocimiento Nacional e Internacional y por ende la comercialización a gran escala. Finalmente, que el Salame Caroya sea un icono para el turismo rural con el desarrollo de esa industria, teniendo en cuenta el impacto al medio ambiente, el cuidado de la biodiversidad y el paisaje.Fil: Carrillo, Jorge Ernesto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación de Agroindustria; Argentina

    Efecto de la saturación de agua durante la ignición de un proceso de combustión in situ

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    Combustão in-situ (CIS) é um método de recuperação térmica melhorada óleo pesado. Para iniciar o processo CIS é necessário consumir uma parte do óleo na formação por meio de reações de oxidação e, em seguida, manter a combustão mediante a injeção continua de ar. Esta fase inicial e conhecida como a ignição do processo e seu estudo identifica a exigência de energia o sistema rock fluido. A pesquisa correta da ignição pode levar a uma aplicação o CIS bem-sucedida no campo.O objetivo deste trabalho é prever a ignição espontânea de um reservatório de óleo pesado colombiano mediante um modelo matemático programado em MATLAB que leva em conta a transferência de massa e energia que ocorre no regime de oxidação a temperatura baixa (LTO). Os parâmetros cinéticos foram obtidos a partir de ensaios realizados no Laboratório de injeção de ar do Instituto Colombiano de Petróleo. Os resultados mostraram o efeito direito da saturação de agua sobre o tempo de atraso e a distância onde ocorre a ignição espontânea desde o poço injetor.In Situ Combustion (ISC) is a thermal method for the enhanced heavy oil recovery. To start the ISC process is necessary to consume a part of the oil in the reservoir by means of the oxidation reactions, then maintain combustion by continuous air injection. This initial stage is known as ignition and its study allows to identify the energy requirement of the rock-fluid system. Proper research of ignition could lead to successful ISC field trial.The purpose of the present project is to predict the spontaneous ignition of a Colombian heavy oil reservoir through a mathematical model programmed in MATLAB, which took into account a combined mass and heat transfer of the reactions that occur in the low temperature oxidation (LTO) regime. The kinetic parameters were obtained from the isothermal cell tests performed in the Air Injection Laboratory of the Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo. The results showed the direct effect of the water saturation on the delay ignition and the ignition distance from the injector well.Combustión In Situ (CIS) es un método térmico para la recuperación mejorada de crudo pesado. Para iniciar el proceso de CIS es necesario consumir una parte del aceite en la formación mediante reacciones de oxidación y luego mantener la combustión mediante la inyección continua de aire. Esta etapa inicial es conocida como la ignición del proceso y su estudio permite identificar el requerimiento energético del sistema roca-fluido. La correcta investigación de la ignición puede conducir a una aplicación exitosa en campo de CIS.El propósito del presente trabajo es predecir la ignición espontánea de un yacimiento de crudo pesado colombiano mediante un modelo matemático programado en MATLAB, el cual tiene en cuenta la transferencia de masa y energía que ocurre en el régimen de oxidación a bajas temperaturas (LTO). Los parámetros cinéticos fueron obtenidos a partir de las pruebas de celda isotérmica realizadas en el laboratorio de inyección de aire del Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo. Los resultados mostraron el efecto directo de la saturación de agua sobre el tiempo de retardo y la distancia a la cual toma lugar la ignición espontánea desde el pozo inyector